I tell stories, and I love games.
As it turns out, the intersection of those two natures was a place I was really comfortable in.
This will hopefully become not only a hub for my games, but also a space to talk about current and upcoming games that have tickled my fancy.
Current Projects, Updated 12-13-2021:
Charcoal World (Twine)
A game about tracing the shape of an apocalypse you cannot name, and replying to it.
Currently in the process of Making Answers To The Bleak
Under Endless Skies (TTRPG)
A map-creating game about walking, and water.
Fussing with Layout
Unrecognizable to Empire (TTRPG):
A game about chosen families on ancient star ships replicating the products of industry in a post industrial future.
Painting the world
Toposkepsi (Windy Roguelike) (Unity):
A roguelike game where the player plays a monster hunter, hunting monsters made out of displaced memories lodged in odd places.
Drawing Maps